Dental health for your child and education should be a priority.
1. Brushing your family regularly

Every day, brushing with your child can help them establish a habit that can last throughout their life.

2. Sugar Avoidance

To ensure their overall oral health, it is vital to train your children to stay away from sugary meals.

3. Regular Professional Dental Care

Dental hygiene is essential in order to maintain dental health however, it also helps to recognize oral health issues that may go unnoticed.

4. Pray and Support

The act of flossing and brushing together with your child is the most effective way to teach them good habits and to establish the habit.

5. Healthy Diets

A healthy diet is more than just sugar avoidance. In order to maintain your saliva, teeth and gum health, good nutrition is essential.

The amazing work of the specialists working at KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital could be of assistance. There is a quick video produced by KKWCH Here to find some simple tricks and tips to ensure your child’s good oral hygiene.


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