option both for correcting issues such as overbites, and also improving the appearance of your teeth for greater self-confidence. If you’re considering having invisible braces put in place, here’s what you can expect to happen at your appointment.

Your dentist will take care to clean your teeth, so that braces can stick to your teeth. They will then attach small handles made of plastic to your teeth with dental glue. This is done by using ultraviolet light to make the substance. The process is painless.

Your orthodontist can show you how to secure the aligners to your teeth. The wearer must wear the aligners for 20-22 hours per day, taking them off each time you eat.

Make sure you take good care of your braces that are invisible. Make sure to clean your aligners as well as your teeth twice a day and keep them safe in the case provided by your dentist each time you need to remove them. Most patients find after proper maintenance they’re ready to have their braces removed after just one year.


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