The most established and longest-running NGO Nathan Adelson hospice services. The hospice team includes professionals that provide emotional, social and spiritual care for patients.

Hospice care is essential. They give special care and attention to those suffering from terminal or incurable diseases to enhance the quality of their life.

Hospice care is more focused on treating signs and symptoms, rather than providing a cure. Each hospice center has professionals who deal with the symptoms and ensure that sufferers feel valued and respected throughout their final hours.

The decision of whether to receive hospice options is made by the patient and their family. A person or their family is able to request hospice services when they believe the treatment failed or is no longer offered.

Inpatient hospice centers, hospitals and private homes all offer hospice care. If hospice care is being provided outside the home regularly scheduled family gatherings are held to allow the family to discuss their experiences, receive support and also alleviate stress.

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