problem. Certain people have taken matters by themselves. In this video you’ll see the skillful hands of Mark Rober exact his revenge on these porch pirates. If they purchase a change of clothes it is possible that they will require the help of a bail bond agency.

Mark Rober is an engineer who previously worked at NASA. He is an expert or two about the field of engineering. He designs a package that appears to be a regular one and places it in the cities. But, they’re not traditional boxes. The package contains a glitter gun that can be opened and fires at criminals. In case a splash of glitter wasn’t enough, it releases fart sprays and emits police sound effects. Additionally, it comes with cameras and tracking devices to ensure that the hilarious moments are viewed by people like you and I. The reactions of the viewers are truly amazing. A lot of porches are in panic as they realize that the contents inside their bags exceed what they imagined. What can they blame them for when they are getting covered in glitter and fart spray. One poor fellow even throws the bag out of the window from his vehicle moving.


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